Thank you for your interest in working at the Boston College Law Library.  The Law Library, located on the Newton campus, employs currently enrolled Boston College students for a variety of different positions and has positions for both law students and undergraduate students.  For complete job descriptions, please see below.


Job Descriptions

Law Library Aide (Teaching & Research Assistant)

The T&R Assistant works in the Law Library's Teaching & Research Department. Duties include:

  • Administering the department’s research training calendar and providing marketing support;
  • Support librarians teaching legal research courses;
  • Provide research support for short-term faculty projects under librarian guidance;
  • Handling other administrative tasks as assigned.

Law students are preferred for this position.
Minimum/maximum hours: 8-10 hours per week

Law Library Aide (CSDI Assistant)

CSDI Assistants work in the Law Library’s Collection Services & Digital Initiatives Department.  Duties include loose-leaf filing, microform filing, pre-order bibliographic searching, processing of new library materials, shelving and stack maintenance, and other tasks as assigned.  Attention to detail is required.

Minimum/maximum hours: 6 hours per week

Law Library Aide (CSDI Assistant and Stack Maintenance)

CSDI Assistant and Stack Maintenance Assistants work in the Law Library’s Collection Services & Digital Initiatives Department.  Responsibilities include collection and stack maintenance which include vacuuming shelves, dusting shelves and books, cleaning tables & carrels, moving books and library furnishings.

Minimum/maximum hours: 4 hours per week

Library Assistant III (Law Library Information Desk Assistant)

Law Library Information Desk Assistants work in the Law Library’s Collection Services & Digital Initiatives Department.  Duties include assisting patrons at the Circulation/Reserve Desk with minimal supervision, maintaining library security, and enforcing policies.  Familiarity with legal terminology and computers are required.  Law students are preferred for this position.

Minimum/maximum hours: 7-20 hours per week

How to Apply

For current availability of positions, please contact Lily Dyer at